Street Doctor
Street Doctor is a mobile GP clinic that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of homeless, transient, disadvantaged and marginalised people in Perth. In the past ROC has supplied Street Doctor with bags containing a pair of thongs and much-needed toiletries which were distributed to those in need. Currently we are collecting socks and blankets for winter and members are making up Christmas gift boxes containing toiletries and other personal items for distribution in December.
GreenBatch is building WA's first plastic reprocessing plant, turning the PET plastic bottles we put in our recycling bins into 3D printing filament for schools to build and create with. ROC provides financial support and assists spreading awareness of GreenBatch's cause and mission.
Men's Shed
Men’s Shed is a community-based, non-profit, non-commercial organisation that is accessible to the community. Its primary activity is the provision of a safe and friendly environment where the community are able to work on meaningful projects. A major objective is to advance the well-being and health of their male members. ROC was instrumental in the foundation of the Showgrounds Community Men's Shed in Claremont.

Cans For Christmas
ROC has joined forces with other Rotary and Rotaract Clubs to collect non-perishable foods from local communities at Christmas for Foodbank. The project is comprised of 3 different phases: preparation/packing of flyers, distribution of flyers and collection of donated food. Food collected is packed into hampers and distributed to individuals and families in need.
Kiara College
ROC provides student scholarships that support the provision of books, uniforms and other school related needs. Throughout the school year you can expect to see ROC members attend the ANZAC day ceremony, mock interviews and driver safety classes.
David Goldstone Scholarship
Our Scholarship program is about supporting students and young professionals, to become our leaders of tomorrow and to give back to the community.​
We offer 18-25 year olds the opportunities to develop interpersonal, leadership, and project management skills and other skills as well as enjoy the shared experiences of networking, social activities and mentoring with business and community leaders.
RYPEN, RYLA and RYLEAP are Rotary leadership programs for youth. This intensive training is aimed at developing young leaders in our community. Participants are involved in a variety of workshops and activities, which provide an opportunity for them to personally develop, gain self-confidence and learn cutting edge leadership skills.
Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE)
Rotary Youth Exchange provides a unique opportunity Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. Rotarians, the community and fellow Exchange students help build goodwill and understanding between cultures.
ROC currently has an outbound student in Taiwan and are hosting an inbound student from Germany.

One in a Million​
The primary focus of the One In A Million event is to recognise someone from within the community who displays “Service Above Self” and the values of Rotary through the awarding of a Paul Harris Fellow. The secondary focus is to raise funds on the night to award to a nominated charity that has limited avenues of financial support, but has a sustainable model and is delivering a service in an area of importance to the community.

Potluck Dinners
ROC Potluck Dinners are held at a Rotarian's home for members, friends and family to gather over a table of deliciousness. The idea is that everyone brings a plate to share. The fundraising comes into the event through donating what one would normally spend on a meal in a restaurant. These funds go towards a specific club project or charity nominated by the host. It is always a great event, with delicious food, good company and money in the kitty. All are welcome!
Australian Rotary Health (ARH)​
Australian Rotary Health provides funding into four focus areas, and promotes findings to the community, mental health research, general research, indigenous health scholarships and rural medical and nursing scholarships.
The Rotary Foundation (TRF)
TRF is funded by Rotary members worldwide. Annual donations from each District are invested for 3 years after which the Districts receives 50% back to use for District Grants. The other 50% and the interest earned go to Rotary International (“RI”) for its Global Grant portfolio.